The CBD-CUD Study

Researchers from the University of Sydney and Turning Point are studying whether cannabidiol (CBD) can help adults reduce or quit cannabis use. [This study has CLOSED].

This study is now closed. Please refer to our Research Studies page to view our ongoing studies.

Study Purpose/Description

Researchers from the University of Sydney and Turning Point are studying whether cannabidiol (CBD) can help adults reduce or quit cannabis use.

What’s Involved?

Participating in this study involves being randomly assigned to one of two groups: one group will receive an oral solution of CBD (200 mg twice daily), while the other group will receive a matched placebo, which is an inactive substance designed to mimic the CBD solution in appearance and taste, without any therapeutic effects.

After being assigned to a treatment group, participants will need to visit the study site in either VIC (Richmond, Melbourne) or NSW (SESLHD, SLHD, WSLHD, NSLHD, and HNELHD) every three weeks over a 12-week period. These visits will involve:

  • A medical assessment with a study doctor
  • Receiving a 3-week supply of the study medication
  • Providing a urine sample
  • Completing assessments and questionnaires with a researcher

Participants can opt to have four cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)-based counselling sessions with a trained counsellor to discuss their cannabis use. A final follow-up visit will occur place three months after the 12-week treatment period.

To compensate for their time, participants will receive $80 for full or $50 for partial completion of study assessments at Week 1 and Week 13 visits, and $50 for full or $30 for partial completion at all other visits. Reimbursement will be in the form of supermarket gift vouchers. 

Recruitment criteria

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you are:

  • Aged between 18 and 65 years old,
  • Cannabis dependent and seeking treatment,
  • Willing and able to provide informed consent, and
  • Proficient in English.


Participants will receive $80 for full or $50 for partial completion of study assessments at Week 1 and Week 13 visits, and $50 for full or $30 for partial completion at all other visits

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

VIC Study Team

0409 033 819

NSW Study Team

0431 519 495

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