Researchers want to hear from people with lived experience of intracerebral haemorrhage to aid in the development of a digital tool to assist doctors in deciding on treatments. Participants can take part in a short online survey and online focus group discussion. [This study is CLOSED].

This study is now closed. Please refer to our Research Studies page to view our ongoing studies.

Study Purpose/Description

Researchers from the George Institute for Global Health are developing an artificial intelligence tool to assist doctors in decide on treatments for intracerebral haemorrhage (a stroke caused by bleeding in the brain).

Researchers want to hear from people with lived experience of intracerebral haemorrhage to inform the design, acceptability and implementation of this tool.

What’s Involved?

Taking part in this study involves completing a 5-minute online survey of your opinions and perspectives of the use of machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) in developing these tools for stroke care.You also have the option to complete an online focus group discussion (45-60mins) with 2-3 other participants.

During this discussion, you will learn more about the tool in development and be asked to share your experience with acute ICH care. You will also be asked how you think this tool might be helpful, and what you believe to be important that the research team prioritise in this process.

All participants who complete the online survey will receive $10 as a token of appreciation. Additionally, all participants who take part in the optional focus group will receive an additional $45. Payment will be via e-gift card.

Recruitment criteria

Researchers are seeking people who:

  • have had an intracerebral haemorrhage (a stroke caused by bleeding in the brain) in the past OR
  • have lived experience as a primary carer for someone who has experienced an intracerebral haemorrhage stroke.


All participants who complete the online survey will receive $10 as a token of appreciation. Additionally, all participants who take part in the optional focus group will receive an additional $45. Payment will be via e-gift card.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

OPTICS Study Team

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