Measuring the Accuracy of a Vision-Based Food Intake Logging App

Traditional food-tracking methods, like writing down everything you eat, can be tricky and inaccurate. Collect meals’ data to help researchers testing a new app designed to help people monitor their diet and food intake.

Study Purpose/Description

Researchers are exploring a new way to track what you eat using an app that logs meal details with just photos. Traditional food-tracking methods, like writing down everything you eat, can be tricky and inaccurate. This app use smart technology to make the process easier and more precise and aims to help people better monitor their diet and health in the future. You will report meals’ information to enable a performance comparison between traditional meal reporting methods and this app.

What’s Involved?

Over about four weeks, participants will record details for 21 meals (7 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners).

  • The carer will decide on the meals and prepare them. They will be responsible for taking photos of meals, weigh them with a kitchen scale (provided by the research team), and recording details of the weight and nutritional content.
  • The diner will eat the meals and use the app to estimate meal details the next day.

The research team will provide all the tools you need, including the meal reporting tools and a kitchen scale, and the study can be completed from home.

Participants will receive gift vouchers as a thank-you for their contribution. Each pair will share the total amount, which depends on how many meals are logged. If you log fewer than 21 meals, you will still receive a gift voucher based on your contribution.

  • 21+ meals: $150
  • 18–20 meals: $135
  • 15–17 meals: $120
  • 12–14 meals: $105
  • 9–11 meals: $90
  • Fewer than 9 meals: No compensation, and your data will be excluded from the study.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in taking part, but are unsure if you can participate, you can still register your interest here. You can also contact the research team at A member of the research team will assist you to determine if you can take part.

Recruitment criteria

This study is seeking pairs of people who live in the same household:

  • One person (the “carer”) will prepare and log meals.
  • The other (the “diner”) will eat the meals and share their food estimates the next day.

You may not be able to participate if:

  • you have health conditions that may affect your ability to prepare, eat, or track meals, or
  • are on a restricted, monitored or special diet.


Participants will receive gift vouchers as a thank-you for their contribution. Each pair will share the total amount, which depends on how many meals are logged.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

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