Join a 2 hour weekly inter-generational program bringing older adults and preschoolers together in a range of fun activities for 20 weeks in participating local pre-schools.

Study Purpose/Description

Researchers from UNSW Sydney and The George Institute for Global Health want your help in understanding the potential benefits of intergenerational programs in providing health benefits for older adults and developmental skills for young children.

What’s Involved?

Participants will take part in a 2-hour weekly program that brings older adults and preschools together for a range of fun activities. Sessions will take place on the same day and time each week for 20 weeks at a local preschool.

You will also be asked to complete some assessments before and after the program, including questions on thinking skills and mood, simple health-related problems and strength, mobility and balance tests.

If you are interested in getting involved or would like to find out more about the study, follow this link to the screening survey.

Recruitment criteria

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you are:

  • Aged 65+
  • Residing in the community
  • Able to walk 6 metres (with or without a walking aid)
  • Able to sit and stand from an armed chair
  • Have a valid Working With Children Check (free to obtain)
  • Have no speech or sensory difficulties that may prevent interaction
  • Have an up-to-date vaccination status against covid- 19 and other current infectious diseases
  • Attain a baseline Montreal Cognitive Assessment Score of 19+ (this will be assessed over the phone).

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

Integrity Study Team

8052 4365

Register your interest

    Please sign up on Join Us here
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