Caregivers of Children with Chronic Conditions

Help Griffith University researchers to understand how primary caregivers’ beliefs, behaviours, and perceptions influence their chronic disease management patterns when caring for their chronically ill children. [This study has CLOSED].

This study is now closed. Please refer to our Research Studies page to view our ongoing studies.

Study Description/ Purpose

Griffith University researchers are seeking caregivers of children aged 12 years or younger who have Asthma or Type 1 Diabetes to understand how primary caregivers’ beliefs, behaviours, and perceptions influence how they manage their children’s chronic conditions through novel and stressful situations.

What’s Involved?

Participation involves participating in 3 online interviews over a 12-month period. Each interview will take around 1 hour.

Upon completion of the third interview, participants will receive a $60 Coles-Myer gift card to thank them for their time.

Disease or condition

Type 1 Diabetes & Asthma – Children


Upon completion of the third interview, participants will receive a $60 Coles-Myer gift card to thank them for their time.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

Caregivers Study Team


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