Join Us Supports 60 Studies

Join Us is celebrating a notable milestone this month – the national research register has helped support recruitment for 60 research studies!

Since 2021, Join Us has been helping Australian researchers to connect with interested research participants and has supported recruitment to 14 research studies just in this year. With over 25% of respondents sourced from Join Us for a recent study on Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Participation in Decentralized Trials Among the Older Population, the register presents great value and potential for Australian research.

Join Us, as a disease agnostic registry, has helped to support various types of research studies, across a wide range of topics. From focus groups to understand the benefits of nature prescriptions, online interviews to improve support for diabetes patients in rural areas, to clinical trials investigating the impact of sunscreen on vitamin D production. With over 60 research studies supported in the last 3 years, Join Us is working to advance knowledge in healthcare.

By submitting a simple online Researcher Access Form, researchers can be connected with over potential 3,700 participants who have pre-consented to be contacted about relevant research studies. This online form captures information about the study – its purpose, ethics approvals and selection criteria – and how to take part. Once a request form has been completed, a Join Us has a dedicated team member will liaise with the researcher to determine feasibility for processing the recruitment request, match the participants in data base with requested eligibility criteria and build a recruitment campaign. Invitations are sent to participants by the Join Us team and no data is shared with the researcher or third party. Accessing recruitment through Join Us register is currently cost free.

Join Us in our mission for healthier communities everywhere. Interested researchers can learn more about Join Us by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions here.

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