Move and Sleep Study

Researchers from the University of Newcastle want to assess whether improving both physical activity and sleep is more effective for glucose control than focusing solely on increasing physical activity.

Study Purpose/Description

Improving glucose control through regular physical activity can help prevent diabetes. However, low levels of physical activity and poor sleep can impact a person’s glucose control.

Researchers want to assess whether improving both physical activity and sleep is more effective for glucose control than focusing solely on increasing physical activity.

If you are interested in taking part, complete a screening survey here:

What’s Involved? 

If you agree to participate, you will be randomly allocated to one (1) of the three (3) groups to compare the effects of different digital interventions on lifestyle behaviours and glucose control. You may be asked to increase your physical activity, make changes to your daily routine to help improve sleep behaviours, or both.

You will be asked to visit the University of Newcastle’s Central Coast or Callaghan Campus at Week 6, Week 12 and Week 24 of the intervention for a series of assessments.

You will also be asked to wear a 24-hr continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and an accelerometer (wristwatch) for 14 days.

All participants will receive a $30 gift voucher after each visit as a token of appreciation (a total of $90 in gift vouchers) and access to the cost-free program designed to improve activity and sleep.

If you are interested in taking part, complete a screening survey here:

Disease or condition


Recruitment criteria

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Are aged between 45 and 64 years
  • Are not physically active and have trouble sleeping
  • Are overweight
  • Are not employed in night-shift work
  • Are willing and able to travel to the University of Newcastle’s Central Coast or Callaghan Campus three (3) times over a 24-week period.
  • Do not have Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, sleep apnoea or insomnia as diagnosed by a doctor


All participants will receive a $30 gift voucher after each visit as a token of appreciation (a total of $90 in gift vouchers) and access to the cost-free program designed to improve activity and sleep.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

Move and Study Team

(02) 40550105

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