Active Women Over 50

Researchers from the University of Sydney want to support women aged 50 and over to be more physically active through a 6-month exercise program.

Study Purpose/ Description

Researchers from the University of Sydney want to support women aged 50 and over to be more physically active.

To do this, researchers will measure the effectiveness of the Active Women Over 50 Program in increasing women’s physical activity over six months.

What’s Involved?

Participants will be randomly allocated into one of two groups. The first group will receive the program straight away, while the second group will receive the program after a 6-month delay.

The free Active Women over 50 program includes:

  • two health coaching calls with an experienced physiotherapist,
  • choice of email or SMS motivational messages for 6 months,
  • access to the program website, and
  • access to a private Facebook group with other participants and a trained moderator from the research team (optional).

Both groups will be asked to complete 2 surveys (one at the start and one at the end), 7 monthly health diaries which collect information about falls and use of health services, and wear an activity monitor for 7 days (once at the start and again at the end).

If you are interested in taking part, express your interest here.  

For more information, visit the Active Women Over 50 website.

Recruitment criteria

You can take part in this program if you are:

  • A woman
  • Aged 50 years and over
  • Living in the community in NSW, Australia
  • Currently doing less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week
  • Wanting support to be more active

Research team contacts

Active Women Over 50 Research Team

8627 6242

Register your interest

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